2 étoiles

“Hay mucho ruido y barullo en la calle. La ciudad está tomada, la gente se ha echado a andar con el único objetivo de encontrarse y reunirse. Todo queda impune, nada es abuso: la gente sube sobre los coches, la guardia sale a caballo, el sonido de los petardos explota los tímpanos de los asistentes a cada esquina, algunos queman los coches de los que decidimos no salir.

El caos invade la ciudad y sin embargo todos se sienten protegidos, bajo la misma unicidad y ente, el poder único de ser -durante 4 años- campeones de fútbol. Esta euforia ocurre igual cada 5 años, tras noches de elecciones. El opio del pueblo.

Por mucho que la gente ceda a la barbarie, chillen y se exhiban, pletóricos, las calles volverán a la tranquilidad en una horas. No habrá desbordamientos, los accidentes serán menores.

Esa noche decidí no salir ni mezclarme a la multitud. Espere ser la mera observadora de la victoria, del momento histórico que se estaba viviendo. Espere que otros salieran a congelar el momento para los próximos 4 años, para tratar de mantenerlo vivo, a integrarse e impregnarse. Hoy nadie habla casi de ello, hoy queda olvidado, fijado en el 15 de julio del 2018.

4 - 2”

Texto por Lucía Pasalodos (https://luciapasalodos.cargocollective.com/)


The story of Lobitos starts in the early 1900's, with the establishment of the oil industry in the area.  The American company Lobitos Oilfields Limited set camp in Lobitos to host leaders and workers of the desalination plant. They brought in wood, built houses and buildings, the plant itself and a church. They also opened the first cinema in South America.

In 1968, with the expulsion of the International Petroleum Company, the camp was left to the Peruvian government. Over the years, it was passed on to the Ministry of Defense, which turned the area into an army site, filling it with barracks. The inhabitants of the fishing village of Lobitos say that the agony of this invaluable industrial heritage began then. The Peruvian military destroyed the houses, the cinema, along with the life of the village and sold the wood and the iron.  

The authorities, the local media and even some politicians took the case and denounced the theft and the attacks on this cultural heritage, but the destruction acts continued nonetheless. Today, what is left of the camp are the ruins of the church, the memory of a wharf, the remains of the desalination plant and only a few standing houses.

This is a compilation of images I took during my stay at Lobitos. Walking around the village feels like wandering in a ghost town. There’s a strange feeling of someone staring at you through the windows whilst the sizzling hot weather gently drags you into a state of delirium.


Pictures taken between Cabourg and Ouistreham


Jet lag

Jet lag can occur when sleep-wake patterns are disturbed. A person may feel drowsy, tired, irritable, lethargic, and slightly disoriented. 


Dieppe, B-side.

The music industry followed the time-tested tradition of using Side-A to include the most radio-friendly singles in an attempt to be “the hit,” while Side B consisted of tracks designed to act as supplementary material—songs that were good, but not quite good enoughsource:vinylmeplease.com


Sea level 11,200 ft.


Long roads, long waves.

Chicama, known to many as the longest wave on the planet, is located about 600km north of Lima, in the fishing town of Malabrigo.

In January 2017, two of my best friends and I decided to drive 10 hours from Lima to arrive in this mythical place. Even if we couldn't find the perfect conditions for the wave, it was a trip full of discoveries about our country and ourselves. We could evidence the economic inequality between regions and the different way of living of other coastal cities that we usually ignore.  By driving across Peru, landscapes become infinite and you feel lucky enough to be part of this marvelous planet. 



Love is love - Paris 24th, June.

The Stonewall Riots of June 28th, 1969, in New York, gave way to the beginning of the gay right movement. A year after, the first gay pride marches took place in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Chicago commemorating the anniversary of the riots. Many years have passed since that moment and we still live in a world where priests step on gay flags or we hear about shootings on homosexual clubs. This year, I decided that I wanted to see what's all this 'thing' that they hate so much. To photograph is an easy task, but to see is the difficult part of it and that's something every of us should work on. This is a small photo selection of the Gay Parade that took place in Paris the 24th June 2017.

Paris, 1er mai.

On the 1st of May thousands of trade union activists marched through Paris and other cities of France to demand next president to protect workers' rights. On that day I decided to go with my Nikon F3 to Place de La Republique where unions were gathering. Before arriving at Bastille, I decided to come back after hearing recommendations of some people that were saying that police would start to use gas bombs against protesters. During the shoot, one of my two films got broken when I was trying to change it and at the end, I just could save this one.